Christmas on the Square (2020)
Did it jingle bell rock?
Did it jingle bell rock?
6/10 🍿
6/10 🍿
Christmas Magic ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ Naughty Ho Ho Ho-ing Fa La La Fail ❌ ❌
We love all things Dolly Parton (bless you for your help with the COVID-19 vaccine!). But this was not nearly as enjoyable as one would hope. Dolly's outfits always sparkled though! ✨
The Broadway musical format was rather forced. The casting was off – so off that it made some of the story make no sense.
We wanted to love this because we all need some Christmas magic, but this fell short. It probably would be a 4/10 if it weren't for Dolly.
Holiday Helper