A Cinderella Christmas (2016)

Did it jingle bell rock?

3/10 🍿

Christmas Magic Naughty Ho Ho Ho-ing 🤟 Fa La La Fail

In what world could you confuse Emma Rigby (Angie Wells) for Sarah Stouffer (Candace Karilla)? If they casting director had done a better job, this story would have a strong leg to stand on.

The lack of resemblance is obvious, but Emma's overfilled lips are so distracting. Because of the writing, the acting was so hot and cold. One minute Nick and Angie be at each other's throats sparring insults and then lovey-dovey the next. Everyone was un-even in this film except Candace who was consistent from the get go.

There are two saving graces to this movie: Peter Porte (Nikolaus Karmichael) in green sweaters (yum) and the mother played by Lesley‑Anne Down (Victoria Carmichael). Lesley-Anne deserved more moments on screen and more piercing lines.

This story was not great but entertaining.


Holiday Helper